DERIVA # 1 S.Giovanni a Teduccio
There are some places adrift in time as well as shoes adrift in the sea: twisted, faded, discoloured, transformed, bearing the echo of what they have been, of the function they had, of the human presences which inhabited them. Lost identities to be imagined alive before time would make them alien to themselves.Shoes, dragged by a river, thrown by a hand, lost by a careless foot, entrusted to the sea stream, hidden and buried in a ruined house.I m going seeking fragments of lost identities.
Those fragments are shoes.I associate them to the places where they have been found,which are as well places of abandon and loss:remainders, traces, remains, , waste, wreckage, collecting, revealing, seeking, discovering, missing, disappeared, worn-out, timehistory, memory, ,lost,found, residual,third landscape,town ,village urban,rural ,identity, factories, ,map, psychogeography.
De-riva is at the same time an itinerant and a site specific project disposal.:it explores places where the anthropization has passed like a sudden and passing cataclysm, or where human presence have been erased by accidents (emigration,delocalizzation ,economics changes, natural accidents etc.,)
The shoe is a subject-pretext as it is the most powerful among the catalyzers of such identities coming from far away in time and space , waiting for being re-collected and re-vealed. Every “collection” of shoes is a documentary which narrates the places, different every time, and the situation of the “discovery”.
Every “collection” of shoes is a web page issues a Site/Adoption registry, an Installation a Documentary which narrates the places,
different every time, and the situation of the “discovery” a creative collective writing experiment.
Adopt a shoe // The project De-riva invites to choose and adopt one of the shoes available on the site.
Whoever adopts a shoe engages him/herself to write down, following his/her own suggestions and sensibility, a story about the
possible shoe’s owner.<0>The visual materials as well as the shoe data registry card constitute narrative hints.
PREVIOUS VENUES Deriva is an artistic projectdisposal conceived by Alessandra Cianelli with the contribution of the media theorist Prof. Vito Campanelli.
first venue Madre Museum ,Naples, in N.EST 2.0 The making of the city, Project Room, curated by Gigiotto Del Vecchio and Stefania Palombo. De-riva has been published on Rhizome.